
Every year a training course is held at Ethio Scott Warren P.L.C. compound. The training lasts about four days and mainly focuses on coloring and painting techniques together with the theoretical aspects of this profession.

In order to guarantee professionalism on bodywork, we organize updated training courses with the view to increase productivity and profitability through the rationalization of processing time and use of materials.

The courses aim to:

  • Identify and adopt the most appropriate working method for any kind of repair
  • Rationally using varnishing products and colorimetric systems
  • Guarantee efficiency and profitability
  • Select basic dyes for the preparation of colors
  • Correct colors with the most suitable method
  • Some pictures from the Palinal training held on April 2012
  • Some pictures from the annual training held on March 2010
  • Some pictures from the annual training held on April 2009
  • Some pictures from the full training dedicated to Moenco - Toyota; held on October 2008
  • Some pictures of the car finishes training held on February 2008
  • Some pictures from the car finishes training held on April 2007
  • Some pictures of the decorative building paints training held on May 2006

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